The day after Thanksgiving-get-together-partys 29/11-08.

This morning when I woke up everything was almost as it was when we arrived our first day. Amos brother's family was leaving and they were packing when I got up. They are going to drive back to Washington DC which is going to take them at least 8 hours. Before they were to leave they had decided to go and eat lobster with the rest of the Green family.
But Billy and grandfather Amos stayed behind when Amos brother bought the lobsters, they couldn't all fit in the car at once.

Me, Billy, Amos and his parents sat down and played some cards. Here in the Green family they love to play card so I can really tell you that I'm in heaven. I learned a new game called 31 and it was easy and fun to play. I actually won once (I'm proud over myself :P).

When all the people were gone and we had had some lunch Karin took us to the shopping center and to look for one book and to look at some TVs. Karin want a new TV. When we looked at that we went to a store to bye some things for my scrapbook. I'm doing a scrapbook to remember this trip and I think it is going to be very nice when it's done.
We came back to the house and Amos and Karin did not want to make dinner, we went to a restaurant instead. The restaurant was named SAHARA and it was a really good restaurant. I hade Port Saied (chicken) and it was marvelous. It had a taste of lemon and hot spices whit a twist of garlic. When we went back home and I had to go to the computer and write in my blog. When I was done doing that I went directly to bed.

Good Night!

Postat av: Rebecca

Hej Leona.

Jag behöver veta när Kerstin åker hem från oss vid jul? Är det den 28 dec hon åker hem? Hör av dig så snart som möjligt.


2008-12-02 @ 22:17:27
Postat av: Rebecca

Hej Leona.

Jag behöver veta när Kerstin åker hem från oss vis jul? Är det den 28 hon åker och vid vilken tid?

Svara till mig snarast.


2008-12-02 @ 22:18:47
Postat av: Rebecca

Hej Leona.

Jag behöver veta när Kerstin åker hem från oss vis jul? Är det den 28 hon åker och vid vilken tid?

Svara till mig snarast.


2008-12-02 @ 22:19:12
Postat av: Rebecca

Hej Leona.

Jag behöver veta när Kerstin åker hem från oss vis jul? Är det den 28 hon åker och vid vilken tid?

Svara till mig snarast.


2008-12-02 @ 22:19:58
Postat av: Rebecca

Hej Leona.

Jag behöver veta när Kerstin åker hem från oss vis jul? Är det den 28 hon åker och vid vilken tid?

Svara till mig snarast.


2008-12-02 @ 22:20:22

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